Sunday, September 26, 2010


We are given this only one earthly life. Since we are born into this world,we need to live our life at best. Our life is short but it is our responsibility to make it sweet. People of this world are living inspired by different things,either good or bad. Yes, our life is a mixture of both good and evil. No human is absolutely good or absolutely bad. As long as we live in this material world ,our material body has to live in these opposing forces. If we are doing right or wrong there are visible as well as invisible forces to oppose the same. How are we as persons and individuals responding to these forces determine the quality of our life. In other words , it is we who make or mar our lives. If our greatest focus of attention is directed towards material things and man made things,knowingly or unknowingly we are increasing in our fallen nature. If our greatest focus of attention is directed towards the maker of man and material things,we are increasing in that divine nature.

When the fallen nature is keep on increasing in us, though we may gain outwardly, we will loose inwardly. When the divine nature is keeping on increasing in us,though we may loose outwardly, we will gain inwardly. Christian life is the best life to become spiritually richer inwardly whether we are materially rich or poor outwardly.

Firstly,Christian life is a life of freedom in Christ.2Cor.3:17. We are called by Christ to be His believer is to make our life free in Him. The world cannot make us free, our self cannot make us free , but Christ living in our heart is freeing our spirit , that reflection will come in our mind and body. Christian life is not a life of showiness, but Christian life is a life of reflection. As Christians,as true believers, we need to live on reflecting Christ,not feeling superior,inferior,equal but feeling so special or unique in Him thus keep on discovering our godly image.

Secondly,Christian life is a life to know Christ personally more to make Him known socially.2Tim.2:1,2.Christian life is a life of our heart. Christ, living in our heart is enabling us to have that Christian life in and through us. Being born in a Christian family,filling our mind with biblical stuff won't make us a Christian but our spirit allowing the Spirit of Christ to live in our heart to rule our life is making us a true Christian .We can be a PhD in Bible but at the same time can remain not spiritual. Spirituality is a matter of our heart more than our mind. So our biblical knowledge should not stop with our mind level. It should reach our heart level for the Spirit of God to work on it. Remember ,education is a matter of our mind but spirituality is a matter of our heart. Yes,we should keep on allowing the Spirit of God to do that filtration process in our heart personally, in making us spiritual. Living a Christian life is not others work,it is not our work but it is the work of Christ in us. Gospel workers are just pointers to Christ. They cannot make us live the Christian life. They are messengers carrying the message of Christ. It is for us to receive the same into our minds and allow the same into our heart for the work of the Holy Spirit to live a Christian life producing the fruit of the Spirit. It is the personal responsibility of each believer to have more and more experiential knowledge of Christ to be a blessing to all.

Thirdly, Christian life is a life of service. Rom.12:1.Christians are redeemed by Christ to be in service to Him. We are to serve Christ by our whole being consisting of our spirit,soul and body. Service to God is the service to His humanity. This is our reasonable service because we owe our existence to Him !God has given us breath of life,ability to think and sensory perceptions. Our God is so great that He has given us the free will either to choose Him or even reject Him. If we are choosing Him, we will be able to really enjoy His creation for His glory. If we are rejecting Him,we are able to have only a superficial false enjoyment of His creation. Understand that God is our highest pleasure. Denying God will be our greatest sorrow as we won't get anything genuine out of this world but only ever changing duplicated and manipulated things .There is a general notion in the Christendom that only preachers of the word of God are doing the ministry in service to Christ. We are saved to be in service to Christ. We have to be in service to Christ both through spiritual and material means to glorify Him. We are to be in service to the Lord through our attitudes,thoughts,words and actions. Our life is to be inspired by the life of Christ to be a channel of blessing to many. When we are preaching the word of God through our mouth,we are preaching Christ verbally. But when we are preaching the word of God through our life,we are preaching Christ non-verbally. It is a great blessing when both our lips and heart are in service to the Lord. Remember,living in the will of God is the greatest service,we can render to our God to serve His people. We are in Lord's service not to please others,ourselves but to please Him only.

Fourthly,Christian life is a life of victory.1Cor.15:57.Jesus Christ is our victory. He is the only one who has overcome this fallen world. Flesh means fallen nature of man. One who is after the fallen world won't accept the fact that Jesus Christ is our victory .One who is walking in Spirit and after the Spirit of God can alone proclaim,Jesus Christ is our victory. When Jesus Christ is becoming our victory,we won't be a wandering generality but a meaningful specific in our life. Then the world cannot play its muddy play upon our lives,making us confused and depressed. We read in 1John5:4 for whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith. We are saved by faith,we are to walk by faith and live by faith in Christ Jesus who alone is our real victory and success. We see scientists,doctors,also students of world famous educational institutions committing suicide for want of victory and success in their lives. They have academic excellence but lack spiritual excellence. They have acquired knowledge that is sense knowledge but they lack revelation knowledge that is spiritual knowledge going beyond their sense knowledge. God gives us revelation knowledge or divine wisdom depending upon our faith in Him while the world gives us sense knowledge or human wisdom depending upon our logical mind.

To live our Christian life,we need the grace of God,faith of God,wisdom of God. God's grace alone is the sufficiency of our Christian life. God's faith is the motivator of our Christian life. God's wisdom is the fulfillment of our Christian life. Our Christian life is a progressive process. In Christian life,we are not becoming perfect but moving towards the perfection of Jesus Christ. In Christian life , others cannot make us perfect , we ourselves cannot make us perfect but our Maker ,Saviour , Lord Christ Jesus is making us perfect. In our Christian life we are in unseen war between the Spirit of God and the spirit of world. When we allow the Spirit of God to lead us, we will experience easiness and rest in our innermost heart. When we allow the spirit of world to lead us, we will experience striving and straining in our innermost heart. The Spirit of God is a liberating spirit to give us victory over our self and the fallen world. The spirit of world is a binding spirit to make us defeated and depressed being a slave to our self and the fallen world. God expects that we should really enjoy our life, liberty of our life in Him. What we are and what we have either spiritual or material should glorify God,the Creator of everyone and material things. Our loving Lord expects fruit,more fruit from our life. Let us all grow both spiritually and materially as much as we can according to the measure of grace,faith and wisdom He has given to each one of us. It is the Spirit of God producing fruit of the Spirit in our spirit. For that we need to live in Christ and Christ living in us. Let us enjoy our Christian living being lifted up in our spirit,soul and body.